Definition of chemicals
Chemicals are substances that have a fixed chemical composition and properties. The components of chemical substances cannot be identified using physical separation methods without breaking down the elements...

Release date : 1402/10/23/ Views : 113 / Comments : 0

Chemical elements can combine with each other during a chemical reaction and create countless chemical substances. For example, water is the result of the reaction of hydrogen and oxygen elements. In this case, two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom are connected and make a molecule with the chemical formula H2O. These two elements in different conditions can make another substance called hydrogen peroxide (oxygenated water) which has H2O2 molecules.

Similarly, all chemical compounds can be broken down into their constituent elements. For example, water can be converted into hydrogen and oxygen elements with the help of electrolysis.

In nature, chemicals that can be found in pure form are very rare. Some of these types of chemicals are: diamond, gold, sodium chloride and sugar (sucrose).

Chemicals generally exist in 4 states: solid, liquid, gas or plasma. that a chemical may be found under the influence of pressure and temperature changes in each of these states. Chemicals are classified into industrial and laboratory chemicals according to the type of application. Also, chemicals are generally divided into two large groups of inorganic substances and organic substances.

All kinds of chemicals

Definition of organic matter

In the past, organic matter was referred to as matter that is made by the body of living organisms. Until in 1828, German scientist Wohler was able to prepare the organic compound urea (CO(NH2)2) from a mineral compound called isocyanate for the first time in the laboratory. And since then, it was found that organic materials can also be made in the laboratory.

In general, organic compounds are called carbon compounds, because there is carbon in all organic chemicals.

Definition of minerals

Inorganic chemistry can generally be considered as the chemistry of other elements, which includes all the remaining elements in the periodic table as well as carbon, which plays a major role in most inorganic compounds.

The difference between organic and inorganic substances (minerals)

* All organic compounds must contain carbon, while there are many carbon-free minerals. Also, in organic compounds, carbon atoms can combine with each other and form long chains, while this property is much less seen in other elements.

* The resistance of organic materials to heat is lower than mineral materials.

* Most reactions between organic substances are slow and two-way or equilibrium, while most inorganic reactions are fast.

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